Empower Your Skin this Acne Awareness Month

Empower Your Skin this Acne Awareness Month

Most of us deal with one insecurity or the other about ourselves as we go through life. Being one of the most common skincare concerns globally, acne can often lead to this. The visible nature of this condition can impact one's self esteem and social interactions. The general beauty standards that emphasise clear skin can exacerbate these feelings, making it challenging for those of us with acne to embrace our appearance and feel confident in our own skin.

 There are four (4) main factors that cause the occurrence of acne

  1. Excess Oil (sebum) Production

Excess oil or sebum production causes acne by clogging pores, which traps dead skin cells and bacteria inside. This blockage can cause inflammation, leading to the development of various types of acne lesions such as papules, blackheads and whiteheads.

  1. Bacteria

Bacteria like Cutibacterium acnes (c.acnes) naturally live on the surface of the skin without issue. However when they become too much, they can clog the pores and cause papules and pustules to form.

  1. Hormones

The androgen hormones in men and women play a big role in acne formation. They trigger increased sebum production, which leads to clogged pores and acne lesions.

  1. Clogged Hair Follicles

The hair follicles are tiny tubes that hold a strand of hair. Many glands empty into the follicles. When there’s too much material inside, the pores become clogged. Some of these materials are sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells.

What Type of Acne do You Have?

Besides these four main factor causes, there other factors that could trigger the appearance of acne and some of these will be shown below;

Clogged pores are a key part of acne formation. Our Pore Refining Serum helps unclog pores and regulate oil production. It is formulated with ingredients that powerfully but gently exfoliate and tighten the skin, whilst inhibiting melanin overproduction.

Here are some quick tips to empower your skin:

Consistent Cleansing: Gently cleanse your face twice daily to remove dirt, oil, and impurities.

Hydration is Key: Keep your skin hydrated with a humectant packed serum and non-comedogenic moisturiser to maintain its natural balance.

Healthy Habits: Eat a balanced diet, stay hydrated, keep things that touch your face free from bacteria (pillow cases, phones, make up brushes etc) and manage stress levels to support overall skin health.

Mindful Skincare: Choose products with gentle, acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid and niacinamide.

Confidence is Beautiful: Embrace your skin journey with confidence and kindness towards yourself.

Clear skin is a work in progress, and every step forward is a step towards confidence.



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